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Code examples |
High Level Code generation in C, C++, Visual C++ VC6.0 | ||
1.1 the simplest RS232 only TX program
1.2 RS232 only TX Version 2 1.3 RS232 TX and RX 1.4 RS232 hex- and textmodus 1.5 RS232 draw received bytes 1.6 RS232 send one byte every second 1.7 RS232 ScanDevices opens max. 4 ports 2.1 RS232 connected to a Modem 2.2 RS232 - Modem LF detected 2.3 RS232 - Modem state_machine 2.4 GSM-MODEM terminal program 3.1 LPT1 read and write to parallel port 3.2 LPT: flashing light on parallel port 3.3 LPT: moving a stepper on parallel port 3.4 Load the driver GIVEIO 4 Exercises and training programs 5 View oscilloscope data 6 Hexdump a file 7 Plot HPGL - Dialog 8 Plot HPGL - SDI if you are successful, send an email if one program can be useful for you write any problem or suggestion ? orgler@tin.it |
![]() Create Your own MFC Dialog Project Insert a EditControl and a Button Add files serial.cpp and serial.h to your project In the function OnInitDialog open the serial port Adapt the variable iComPort to your port If you have problems download the complete project download source and EXE The EXE is in the "Release" directory ![]() add another button add CR Carriage Return and LF Line Feed to the STRING Send this string over RS232 If you have problems download the complete project download source and EXE The EXE is in the "Release" directory ![]() Now we use also the receiver routine from serial.cpp Press the RX-button and read the contents of RS232 RX buffer. If you need a more sofistcated receiver routine have a look to the next program. download source and EXE ![]() In this program you can change baudrate and toggle DTR and CTS line download source and EXE Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 ![]() this program can be usefull if you have an embedded board and this board sends one byte data like a temperature or other. you can test this program also with "1.6 send one byte every second" download source and EXE Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 ![]() You can connect two serial ports together on your PC to test this program with the program "1.5 draw received byte" download source and exe Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 ![]() download source and exe for this 1+4 windows the first window is a dialog window (parent) with 4 kind dialog windows IDD_COM1, IDD_COM2, IDD_COM3, IDD_COM4 Serial4.cpp and Serial4.h For every port we need a different handle the kind windows needs 3 WM_MESSAGES: WM_INITDIALOG function OnInitDialog (to start the timer) WM_TIMER function OnTimer (to read every 50 msec the COM port) WM_CLOSE function OnClose to kill the timer and to close COM port) Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 Send text data and receive text data from a modem. download source with EXE Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 void CRs232aDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned char buf[500]; int xx,index; if(nIDEvent==1) { xx = ReadRs232Input(buf, COM1); if(xx) { index=0; while(xx--) m_strEditRead += buf[index++]; UpdateData(false); } } CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } There is a periodically readout of the input buffer of RS232 with a TIMER-Function. Send text data and receive text data from a modem with LF detect. download source with EXE Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 void CRs232aDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) { unsigned char buf[500]; int xx,index; if(nIDEvent==1) { xx = ReadRs232Input(buf, COM1); if(xx) { index=0; while(xx--) { m_strEditRead += buf[index]; RxBuffer[iRxIndex++] = buf[index]; if(buf[index] == LF) LineFeedDetected(); index++; } UpdateData(false); } } CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); } void CRs232aDlg::LineFeedDetected() { CString str; RxBuffer[iRxIndex]=0; // end of string; now you can evaluate this string iRxIndex=0; str.Format("LineFeed%c%c",CR,LF); m_strEditRead += str; } There is a periodically readout of the input buffer of RS232 with a TIMER-Function. In the function "LineFeedDetected()" you can evaluate the content of RxBuffer download source with EXE Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0
![]() download the EXE download the driver GIVEIO.SYS download the complete C-sourcefiles Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 The driver GIVEIO.SYS must be in the root directory c:\ to install this driver you must have administrator rigths if you have an error in attempt to write to LPT restart the program The output byte toggles only from 0xAA to 0x55 ![]() download the EXE and source download the complete C-sourcefiles Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 The driver GIVEIO.SYS must be in the root directory c:\ to install this driver you must have administrator rigths ![]() download the EXE and source download the complete C-sourcefiles Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 The driver GIVEIO.SYS must be in the root directory c:\ to install this driver you must have administrator rigths Exercises to learn hex and binary arithmetic The programs can print a DINA4 page with exercises without solutions, Pressing the button “F” the solutions are displayed. If you have 20 students the values for every student are different. Try it out and give me a feedback. You can download only the EXE or the complete source files EXE-FILE: BITCHANGE.ZIP Sourcefile: bitchange.zip EXE-FILE: BINHEX.ZIP Sourcefile: binhex.zip Compiled with Visual C++ 6.0 |